About Us

HGS Sustainable Data Solutions is focused on providing zero impact data center solutions that produce zero carbon emissions to our communities and clients.

The HGS pathway to sustainable data solutions begins with what we believe is the most sustainable, zero impact technology in the data center space — the Nautilus Data Technologies patented technology. Nautilus Data Technologies created the world’s most innovative water-cooled data center design, setting a new standard for energy efficiency, environmental sustainability, and global scalability. Their patented Total Resource Usage Effectiveness (TRUE) cooling closed water loop technology allows nature’s cold water to keep racks cool, without consuming a drop of water or adding anything to it. The system integrates proven maritime and industrial water-cooling technologies with next generation data center infrastructure to mark a new era of performance for the industry. The technology is ~30% more efficient than traditional cooling systems currently deployed in the vast majority of the data centers on the planet.     

HGS Data targets shuttered or underutilized industrial sites  that allow us to maximize the sustainability of a data center. This allows us to re-develop the site utilizing the existing power and water infrastructure available on the site. Additionally, permenant digital economy jobs are created and allows these communities to begin to reemerge as participants in the digital economy. 

The other unique element HGS Data uses to qualify a site is the availability of renewable energy and natural resources that allow the overall operation of the data center to be net zero or very low impact. This includes existing hydro-power facilities, cold water, sunshine, wind, and space. For example, our site in Millinocket, Maine was a paper plant for ~100 years with significant hydro-power availability and electrical infrastructure, which combine with the cold water in the river allow us to create sustainable and extremely efficient operations which emit zero carbon during normal operations and allow the system to increase cooling efficiencies to further reduce power usage; all at zero environmental impact.